Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oh yeah, I have a blog

I'm exhausted. I blame our sweet baby who kicks my butt (technically my ribs) almost every night starting around bedtime. I blame my sick dog, who wakes up in the middle of the night several times to go outside and has to be taken out several times a day to avoid messes that I do NOT want to clean up. I blame my husband who comes home and watches Rangers games because he is as exhausted as I am. So today I am attempting to catch up on what's been going on before the exhaustion hit. My sister's family came to town and I miss my nieces terribly.
Sweet Amy who loves her Uncle AJ
Liz showing off her Dora band aid and who would proclaim, "I love MY Dora!"

So basically, I am ready to move to Indiana right now. It doesn't hurt that right now the weather is ridiculously hot and humid. We also began childbirth classes at the birth center and are getting ready for the big day. We are so excited to meet our little girl, but definitely have a lot to do before she gets here. Oh, and the fireplace project has not been touched. Well, it's almost 4pm and I have yet to eat lunch and we are missing a free Rangers game tonight to take our pup to the vet, so I better get going, but I will try to be a better blogger to the three or four people who actually read this. 

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